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A reproduction of one of the architect’s personal sketchbooks this beautiful volume contains fifty-two drawings and collages that explore the passage of time and the possibility of a tender architecture. The thoughts and drawings in this book were made in the month of January, 1994, Hejduk explains, I wanted to make two architectures in love . . . to have architectural intercourse on every level...chromosomic exchange.The drawings are explained in his essay Sketchbook Notes, and Still Life/Dead Nature elucidates his thoughts about space. ↑ ↓ ↓
This book is considerad a classic in Middle East vernacular architecture. This work, published in 1981 by the MIT Press, shows up in a new revised and extended edition. The content remains a necessary reference,dueto its extraordinary documentary value, that includes the content of the first edition and completes it with material collected in 2006, giving now a global vision of the unified Yemen territory. ↑ ↓ ↓
More than anything else about architecture, Tobias Engelschall is fascinated by transformation. Between the regularity and randomness of architectural development, the new always emerges from what already exists. Every Zustand—every state of affairs, condition, configuration, every image in this book—attests only to the outcome of transformation. In their juxtaposition, Tobias Engelschall’s “Sehschule” presents what cannot be seen. With its thematic focus and careful selection, this topography includes mostly buildings that likely would never have appeared again in an architectural book after their initial publication. The book shows an exuberant multiplicity of formal languages, where one or another of them may effectively attain a new, unexpected quality. The publication was generously funded by Stiftung Hermann Reemtsma, Hamburg. ↑ ↓ ↓
This publication presents an extended interview with the French architect Claude Parent (1923 – 2016) by curator Mai Abu ElDahab and visual artist Benjamin Seror that took place between 2013 and 2015. Committed to experimentation throughout his life, Parent questioned his field and his own practice in his unique polemical and provocative manner motivated by his desire to see ideas circulate and conventions challenged. The book is based on transcription of conversations allowing Parent’s unique storytelling voice and style to come through. ↑ ↓ ↓
The Italo-Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi (1914–1992) forged a unique path with her bold designs. Spanning architecture, stage sets, fashion, and furniture, her work drew inspiration from the International Style, which she translated into her own visual language. Fundamental to her work was her thoughtful engagement with her adopted country of Brazil, its culture, society, and politics, and she productively and provocatively voiced her sometimes radical views through designs, exhibitions, and writings. On the occasion of Lina Bo Bardi’s one hundredth birthday, this richly illustrated volume presents an overview of her oeuvre and highlights iconic buildings, such as her own home, the so-called Casa de Vidro, the Museo de Arte de São Paulo, and the cultural center SESC Pompéia. ↑ ↓ ↓