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Photographs by Rubén Ortiz Torres document the wide range of Latin American art in the collections of Carl Baldwin’s Velvetería, April and Ron Dammann, E. Michael ‘Baltazar’ Díaz, Betty Duker, Armando and María Durón, Alonso Elías and Patricia Fontes Rosas de Elias, Lêda Leitão Martins, Nicholas Pardon, Tom Patchett, Sammy Sayago, Dan Segal, Enrique Serrato, Billy Shire, Esperanza Valverde, Elisabeth Waldo, Richard and Rebecca Zapanta, the Stendahl Gallery, and Bill London’s Pedorrero Muffler repair shop. Six essays explore the cultural, political, and social histories of Latin American art and artifacts in Southern California collections, including Matthew H. Robb’s sleuthing on the pre-Columbian as MacGuffin in mid-century Los Angeles, Ana Elena Mallet on Taxco Silver in California, Jesse Lerner on the meeting of ancient and modern in the Arensberg collection, Selene Preciado on Chicano art collections and collectors, Rubén Ortiz Torres on the Pedorrero, and Amy Sánchez-Arteaga and Misael Díaz on the Elías Fontes collection. ↑ ↓ ↓